Metro Safety in the DMV – Rider Vigilance

Originally posted on BARKLEY HORN :
Riding the Metro is a commonplace — if not dull — experience for those of us who live or work in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.? The metro system affords riders the small pleasures of reading, catching up on social media, or simply daydreaming while traveling, all while avoiding the…

Ellis v. Commonwealth, Record No. 0818-21-1, 75 Va. App. 162 (July 19, 2022)

Facts. Samuel Ellis was issued a Virginia Uniform Summons, which charged him with “Driving Suspended DUI Related” in violation of Code § 18.2‑272 and “Newport News Ordinance § 26-8.” The officer checked the box indicating that Ellis was being charged with a city offense. Ellis was convicted in GDC, and, as customary, the conviction order was written…More

Beginning Your Appeal in the Court of Appeals

If you’re the appellant, it may seem like the first step in your appeal is filing your Opening Brief of Appellant, but there are several critical steps to follow before you get there. Find out what they are and how to avoid traps. More